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See showsystem at
Nat show 29.12.2010, dommer / jugde: Per I. Nymark, N
Kennel Cafrida 2. Best in Show Breeder
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, nr. 1 best
male, Best of Breed, res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, nr.1. best female, Best Of
Opisite, Res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, nr. 2. best male, Res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska,nr. 1 in open class, Res Cac
Cafridas Meteoric Mie Miene, nr 4 in open class, Res Cac (ready for
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio , 1 prize, nr 2 in junior class
Jazzy is 3 years old! Happy birthday!
Hyacinth er drektig. Valper ca 3 januar. / Hyacinth is pregnat. Puppies ca. 3. of january
Cafridas Historic Hoptops Hyacinth
Berntiers Monte Carlo
Nordic Winner show,
Dommer / jugde. K. Einarsson, J. Andersson, SE
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, nr 4 in
champ class, Res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, not placed champion class, Res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr 5 in open class
Cafridas Pasific Price Phoenix / Exl, not placed junior class
Cafridas Pasific Pennsylavania Peace, Exl not palced in junior class
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio Very good.
Nat Show, Orkdal, dommer
/ jugde: B. Hasselgren, SE
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas
Knight, 2 bhk, ck / Kansas 2. best male, exl, res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2 btk, ck / Fannie 2. best female, Res
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 1 Jkk, Hp / Olava nr 1 junior class,
prize of honour
Cafridas olympic Oda Odelsjente, Exl, 2 Jkk, Hp / Oda nr 2 junior class,
prize of honour
Kennel Cafrida nr 2 oppdretter, Hp / Cafridas 2. best breeders group,
prize of honor.
DKK Int Winner show, Herning, dommer / jugde:
N. Nekrosiene
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2 BTK, Cacib
/ Fannie 2. best female, Cacib
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 4 bhk, Ck / Kentucky 4. best male, Res
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIM, Cacib, Dansk Vinner 2010 / Leah BOS, Cacib, Danish Winner 2010
DKK Int Show Herning, dommer/ jugde: M. Leonard, Irl
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 4 BHK, Cert,
Dansk champ / Fannie 4. best female, Cac, Danish champ.
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 2 i åpen klasse,
Ck / Kentucky, Exl, nr 2 open class, Res Cac
Smalmyra`s S- M Leah, Exl, nr 1 åpen klasse / Leah Exl, nr 1 open class.
Cafridas Historic Hoptops Hyacinth er paret med Berntiers Monte Carlo. Evnt valper ca 3 januar 2011.
Nat Show, Leto
Dommer/jugde: B. Banbury, UK
Kennel Cafrida Best in Show Breeders group.
foto, Sundgaard(Berge
Kentucky, Kansas, Nero og Olava
BIR Dale Gudbrand`s Ghianti Baam, BIM Kentucky (Foto Sundgaard/Berge)
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky
King, Exl, BIM, Kentucky, Exl,BOS
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 2 BHK, / Kansas, Exl 2. best male
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Newraska, 1 kval, 1 Ak , Exl, Cert / Nero Exl,
nr 1 open classCac.
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 1 Jkk, Ck , Olava Exl, nr 1 junior
class, Res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, 2 kval / Onslow, very good

Nat Show Leto 30.10.2010
Dommer/jugde: R. Donjis, NL?

Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 1 kval, 1 Jkk, Hp/ Olava Exl, nr 1 junior class, prize of honour
Cafridas Kinetic Kawa Kadina, 1 kval / Kadina Exl open class
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, nr 3 Chk / Kentucky Exl, nr 3 in champ class.
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 4 Chk / Kansas Exl, nr 4 in champ class
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, 3 Akk/ Nero Exl, nr 3 open class
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, 2 Kval / Onslow Very good

Int Show, Tromsø,17.10.2010
Dommer / jugde: Anita Whitmars, S
Cafridas Olympic Otis Oregon, 2 kval,
Otis 2.prize,
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, 2 konk, Ck, / Nero nr 2 open
class, Res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 kval, 3 konk, Ck / Kansas 1
prize, nr 3 champion class , Res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala 1 kval, 1 konk hp / olava 1 prize , nr 1
junior class, prize of honour
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 kval,3 konk, Ck, / Fannie 1
prize, nr 3 in champion class res Cac
Nat Show, Tromsø 16.10.2010
Dommer /jugde: Terje Lindstrøm, N
Cafridas Olympic Otis Oregon, 1 kval, 1 konk,
hp / Otis 1 prize, nr 1 junior class, prize of honour
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, 1 konk, Ck, 3 Bhk, Cert / Nero
3 Best male, Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 kval, 2 konk, Ck 2 Bhk / Kansas 2 Best
male, Res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala 1 kval, 1 konk, Ck, 4 Btk / olava 4. Best
female, Res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 kval, 1 konk, Ck, 2 Btk / Fannie 2.
Best female, res Cac
Int Show Hamar,
Dommer/jugde: Marja Talvitie, SF
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, 1 kval, 2 konk,
hp / Onslow 1 prize, nr 2 junior class, prize of honour
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, 2. konk, Ck / Nero 1 prize, nr
2 open class, Res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 1 kval, 2 konk, 4 BHK,Ck/ Kentucky 4,
best male, res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 1 kval, 2 konk / Olava 1 prize, nr 2
junior class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 kval, 2 konk / Fannie 1 prize, nr 2
champ class.
Nat Show, Bergen 25.09.2010
Dommer/jugde: Espen Engh, N
Cafridas Meteoric Mie Miene, 2 Kval / Jølle 2 prize.
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, nr 2 6-9 mnd/ Phoenix nr 2 6-9 mnths
Valpeshow Puppyshow, Nordkisa
Dommer / jugde: Knut Berge, N
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, BIR, 2. BIG / Olava
BOB, nr 2 in the group
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, BIm / Onslow BOS
Clubshow, NBSK 18.09.2010
Dommer/ jugde: Espen Engh, N
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, nr 4 CHK, Ck /
Kentucky Exellent, nr champ class. res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 4 CHK, Ck / Fannie Exellent, nr
champ class. res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, nr 1 6-9 mnd, 2 Bhk /
Onslow nr 1 6-9 mnths, 2 best male
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, nr 2 6-9 mnd / Olava nr 2 6-9 mnthsa.
Clubshow, Sveits 12.09.2010
Dommer/jugde: S. Green, J. Ramsing
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr 2 åpen kl,
Res Cert / Nero Exellent, nr 2 open class, Res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl / Kansas Exellent
Cafridas Jurassic Jazzy Jubilè, Exl / Jazzy Exellent.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 3 champ kl / Fannie
Exellent, nr 3 in champion class.
Kennel Cafrida 2. Best in Show oppdretter / Kennel Cafrida 2. Best in
Show breeders class.
Int Show Stavanger,
Dommer / Jugde: Helge Lie, N
Cafridas Kinetic Keystone Kozie, 1 kval, Ck / Kozie exellent, Res Cac
Int Show Luxembourg 05.09.2010
Dommer / jugde: P. Shultheiss, D
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska,
exl, nr 3 åpen klasse / Nero exellent, nr 3 open class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 2 champ kl, Res cert /
Kansas Exellent, nr 2 champ class, Res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 4 champ kl / Fannie exellent,
nr 4 champion class.
Valper / Puppies:
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-Joff, nr 2 6 -9 mnths
Valpeshow , puppyshow Steinkjer
Dommer / jugde: W. Eikeseth, N
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala,

Valpeshow, puppyshow , Ørsta
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Bim / Maxi BOS
Clubshow, NBSK 04.09.2010
Dommer / jugde: Maija Heinilâ, N
Cafridas Pacific Primadonna Pearl, nr 4 6-9 mnd / Nr 4 6-9 mnths
Valpeshow, Støren 28 og 29.08.2010
Nat Show, Drammen 29.08.2010
Dommer / jugde: Ligita Zake
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, Ck, 3 CHKK / Falco nr 3 in champion
class, res Cac
Nat show , Drammen
Dommer /jugde: Taina Nygård, SF
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, 4 bhk, Ck / Falco 4 best male, res Cac
Nat Show, Sweden
Dommer / jugde: B. Roos-Børjesson,
Cafridas Frolic Friendly
Fannie, 3 btk, Cert, Svensk champion / Fannie 3. best female, Cac,
Swedish Champion
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, nr 2 åpen
klasse, Ck / Kansas nr 2 in open class, Exl
Valpeshow / puppyshow
Dommer / jugde: H. Aune, N
Cafridas Olympic Olava
Oladala nr1 6-9 mnd, 2 btk / Olava 2 best female
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente nr 2 6-9 mnd / Oda nr 2 6-9 mnths
Valpeshow / puppyshow
Dommer / jugde: LH Wilberg, N
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, BIR / 3.
BIG / Olava BOB, nr. 3 in the group.
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente nr 2 6-9 mnd / Oda nr 2 6-9 mnths
Oslo Double 14 & 15 /8-2010
Søndag / sunday: dommer / jugde: S. B.
Helgesen, N
Cafridas Frlic Friendly Fannie, nr 2 champ
klasse, Ck / Fannie nr 2 champ class, exl
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Ck / Exl
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Ck / Exl
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, nr 1 åpen kl, Ck /
Nero nr 1 open class, Exl
Kennel Cafrida nr 2 breeders group, prize of honour
Lørdag / saturday , dommer / jugde: M A Tarborda, P
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, nr 4 champ klasse, Ck /
Kentucky nr 4 in champ class, Exl
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, 1 kval / Falco 1 prize
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 kval / Kansas 1 prize
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska nr 3 åpen kl, Ck /
Nero nr 3 in open class, Exl

Bacchus har forlatt oss / Bacchus has left us
Bacchus left us after fighting against a tumor on his lounge for some time. The tumor was not bad, but was sitting at the lounge so we could not operate. Bacchus lived his life at Britts place, and we know he has put big pawmarks after him.

Clubshow NBSK Hedmark 07.08.2010
Dommer /jugde: M. Sandgren, SE
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 BTK, BIM /
Fannie Best female, BOS
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamlet,2 kval / 2. prize open class
Valpeshow / Puppyshow
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio nr 2 6-9 mnd / Onslow nr 2 6-9 mnths
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-joff nr 2 6-9 mnd / Joffe nr 2 6-9 mnths
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvanina Pealr nr 3 6-9 mnd / Maxi nr 3 6-9 mnths
Bentley har forlatt oss / Bentley has left us.
Our very special boy, Cafridas Basic Bronze Bentley left us yesterday. We are still in chock over losing this wonderful boy. And we all miss him so much. Cause of death was leukemia.
Nat Show, Nesbyen
Dommer/jugde: Hans Bierwolf, A
Frolic Fearless Falco, BIR, Ck / Falco BOB, Res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BIM, Ck / Fannie BOS,
Res Cac
cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk, 2 BTK, Cert / Kk 2 .best
female, Cac
Cafridas Kinetci Kansas Knight, 1 kval, 2 chk, Ck /
Kansas nr 2 in champ class, res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, 3 Akk, Ck /
Nero nr 3 in open class, res Cac
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamlet, 1 kval, 4 Akk/
Hamlet nr 4 in open class
Kennel Cafrida BIR oppdretter, HP/ Cafrida BOB breedersgroup, prize of honour.
Valpeshow, puppyshow Nesbyen 30.07.2010
Dommer / jugde: Hans Bierwolf, A
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-joff, BIM / Joffe BOS
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, nr 2 6-9 mnd / Onslow nr 2 6-9 mnths.
Nat Show Våler,
Dommer/ jugde: Terje Linstrøm, N,
Soile Bister, SF,Bis valp)
Kentucky Bir, Ronja Bim
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, BIR,Ck 2. BIG /
Kentucky BOB, res Cac, nr. 2 in the group
Valper / puppies

Joffe og Onslow
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-joff, BIR, 1. BIG, 3. BIS / Joffe BOB, nr 1 in the group, nr 3. Best in Show.
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, BIM / Onslow BOS
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, nr 2 6-9 mnd / Oda nr 2 in 6 -9 mnths.
Nat Show Sweden
Dommer / jugde: Eva Borg, SE
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 2 BHK, Cert,
Svensk Champ / Kentucky 2 best male, Cac, Swedish Champ.
Cafridas Frolic Freindly Fannie, 1 pr, 4 åpen kl, Ck / Fannie Exl, nr 4
open class, Res Cac
Valper / Puppies
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-joff, BIR, Hp /
Joffe BOB, prize of honour
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, BIM,Hp / Onslow BOS, prize of honour
Nat Show Sweden 10.07.2010
Elghund/ Elkhound
Dommer /jugde: Jens U. Ramsing DK
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah BIR / Leah BOB
Berner / bernese:
Dommer / jugde: Palle Møller-Hansen, DK
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, 1 pr, 2 åpenkl, ck, 5 BHK / Falco Exl,
Res Cac, 5. best male
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 pr. / Kansas Exl
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 pr / Nero Exl
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamle 2. pr / Hamlet very good
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 pr / Fannie Exl
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk, 1 pr / Kk Exl.
Valper / puppies
Cafridas Olympic Oline
Ojoff-joff BIM, Hp / Joffe BOS, prize of honour
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, 2 BHK, HP / Onslow 2 best male, prize of
Int Show Sweden 09.07.2010
Elghund / Elkhound
Dommer / jugde: E? SE
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIR, Cacib / Leah BOB, Cacib
Berner / bernese:
Dommer/jugde: Carsten Birk, DK
Cafridas Frolic Fearless
Faclo, 1. pr, nr 3 i åpen kl, Ck / Falco Exl, Res Cac, nr 3 open class.
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 pr. / Kansas Exl
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska 1. pr / Nero Exl
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamlet, 2.pr / very good
Cafridas Froilc Friendly Fannie 1 pr, nr 2 åpen kl, Ck / Fannie, Exl, nr
2 open class, res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk 2 pr / Kk 2. prize
Kennel Cafrida nr 2 oppdretter, hp / Cafrida 2. best breeders group, prize of honour.
Valper / puppies.
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-joff, BIM, Hp /
Joffe BOS, prize of honour
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio 2 bhk / Onslow 2 best male
Her kommer lp og agiltyresultater / Obedience and agilityresults will come
Clubshow NBSK 04.07.10
Dommer / jugde: Z. Salijevic, SE
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 kval, 2 chk, Ck / Fannie Exl,
nr 2 in champ class
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, nr 3 åpen kl / Nero Exl, nr 3
in open class
Cafridas Historic Higness Hamlet, 1 kval, nr 4 i åpen kl / Hamlet Exl,
nr 4 in open class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 kval, / Kansas Exl
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, 1 kval / Falco Exl
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, 2 kval / Gitte very good
Kennel Cafrida nr 2 oppdretter / Kennel Cafrida 2 best breeders group,
prize of honour
Valper / puppies
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, nr 2 4- 6
mnd / Perita 2. place 4 -6 mnths
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, nr 2 6-9 mnd / Onslow nr 2 4 -6 mnths
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-joff nr 3 6-9 mnd / Joffe nr 3 6 -9 mnths
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala ikke plassert / Olava not placed
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente ikke plassert / Oda not placed
NKK Int show, Trondheim 03.07.10
Dommer / jugde: Frank Christiansen, N
BIR Ola Odelsgutt av Hiselfoss, BIM Cafridas
Frolic Friendly Fannie(foto. B Risto
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BIM, 1. BTK, Cacib, Ck / Fannie BOS, 1.
best female, Cacib, res Cac.
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 2 BHK, Cacib, CK / Kansas 2. Best male,
Cacib, res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 4. BHK, Ck / Nero 4. best male, Res
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco 1 kval, 4 chk / Falco exl, nr 4 in champ
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Gisell, 2 kval / Gitte Very good
Kennel Cafrida BIR oppdretter, hp / Kennel Cafrida BOB breeders class, prize of honour
Clubshow 20.06.10.
Dommer / jugde: S. Gorbould, GB
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 2 bhk, Ck / Kansas 2. best
male, Res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 3. bhk, Ck / Nero 3. best male, res
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 kval, nr 2 champkl, Ck / Fannie nr 2
champ class, res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie kk, 1 kval / Kk Exl.
Cafridas Historic Hawana Hearbeat 1 kval / Hawana exl.
Kansas, Nero, Kk, Fannie
Kennel Cafrida 2. beste oppdretter, hp / Cafrida 2. best breeders group, prize of honour
Valper / Puppies:
Dommer / jugde: I.
Werhonig, Ch
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff joff, 1 4-6 mnd, 2 btk / Joffe 2.
best female
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix ikke plassert 4 -6 mnd / Phoenix not
placed 4 -6 mnths.
Clubshow 19.06.10
Dommer / jugde: I. Werhonig, Ch
Nero BIR
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska 1 BHK, Cert, BIR /
Nero BOB, Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 3 BTK, Ck / Fannie 3. best female, res
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie kk, 1 kval, res Cac / Kk exl, Res Cac
Cafridas Historic Hawana Heartbeat 1 kval / Hawana Exl.
Kansas, Nero, Kk, Fannie
Kennel Cafrida BIR oppdretter / Kennel Cafrida BOB
breeders group.
Valper / Puppies
Dommer / jugde: S. Gorbould, GB
Joffe Bim
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff joff, BTK, BIM / Joffe BOS
Utstillingshelg, Oppdal
National show søndag 20.06.10
Dommer /jugde: ?
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, 1 kval, nr 1 åpen klasse. / Kozie exl, nr 1 open class.
Valper/ puppies
Cafridas Olypmic Olava Oladala
nr 1 4 -6 mnd, 2 BTK / olava 2. best female
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente nr 2 4- 6 mnd / Oda nr 2 4 -6 mnths
National show lørdag
Dommer / jugde: Rudi Hübentahl, Se
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, 1 BTK, Cert, BIM / Kozie BOS, Cac
Valper / puppies:
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente,
nr 2 4 - 6 mnd / Oda nr 2 4 -6 mnths
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala nr 3 4 - 6
mnd / Olava nr 3 4 -6 mnths
Valpeshow Gjøvik 19.06.10
Cafridas Pacific Pasadena P`belle 2 btk / Belle 2
best female
National show, Røros
Dommer/ jugde: Helge Lie, N
Bilder kommer.
Best in show oppdretter / Best in show breeders class.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 best female, Bim/
Fannie 1 best female, res Cac, BOS
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, 2. BTK, Cert / Kozie 2. best female,
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 2. BHK, Cert / Nero 2. best male, Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 3. BHK, Ck, / Kansas 3. best male, res
Valper / puppies:
Dommer / jugde : Marianne Holmli, N
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-joff, BIR, 2. BIG / Joffe
BOB, nr 2. in the group
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, 2 btk / Oda 2. best female
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 3 BTK / Olava 3. best female
show, NKK, Drammen
Dommer / jugde: H.W. Hagen, N
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 kval, nr 2 i champ
klasse, Ck / Fannie exl, nr 2 in champ class, res Cac
cafridas Frloic Fearless Falco, 1 kval, nr 3 champ klasse, Ck / Falco
exl, nr 3 in champ class, res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, nr 1 konk, hp / Nero Exl, nr 1
intermed class, prize of honour
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 kval, / Kansas Exl
Cafridas Instamatic Inca Izett, 1 kval / Inca Exl
Agility og Lydighet / Agility and Obedience
Dommer / jugde: Per Kr. Andersen, N
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylavania Peace, 2 BTK / Maxi 2. best female
Valpeshow Toten 29.05.10
Dommer / jugde: Steinar Balken, N
Onslow, 3 BIS
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, BIR, 1.BIG, 3.BIS /
Onslow BOB, nr 1 in the group, 3. Best in show
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff.joff, BIM / Joffe BOS
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala nr 2 4-6 mnd / Olava nr 2 4-6 mnths
Cafridas Pacific Pasadena P`belle nr 3 4-6 mnd / Belle nr 3 4 -6 mnths.
Valpeshow Nordkisa 23.05.10
Onslow m/ Henning, dommer og Joffe m/ Ole E
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-joff BIR, 2.BIS / Joffe
BOB, 2. Best in show
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, BIM / Onslow BOS
Clubshow, NBSK Frya 22.05.10
Dommer / jugde: J. Bardet, Fr.
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 1 kval, 5 chk, res
Cac / Kentucky Exl, no 5 in champion class, res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kawa Kadina, 1 kval / Dina Exl open class
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, 2 kval / Kozie, very good
Valper / puppies
Cafridas Olympic Oline Ojoff-Joff, nr 1 4-6 mnd, 2.
BTK / Joffe nr 1 4- 6 mnths, 2. Best female
Cafridas Pasific Pennsylvania Peace, no 3 4-6 mnd / Maxi nr 3 4-6 mnts
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente ikke plassert 4-6 mnd / Oda not placed 4
-6 mnths
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, nr 2 4 -6 mnd / Onslow nr 2 4 -6 mnths.
Valpeshow, Steinkjer Hundeklubb
Cafridas Pasific Presious Perita, BIR / Perita BOB
Norwegian clubshow avd. ØR 13.05.10
Dommer / jugde: Leif Herman Wilberg, N
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 4 BHK, Cert,
Champion / Kentucky 4. best male, Cac, Norwegian Champion.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 kval, 4 konk, Ck / Fannie Exl champ
class, nr 4 in the class, Res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, 1 konk / Nero Exl intermed
class, nr 1 in the class
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamlet, 1 kval / Hamlet Exl open class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 kval / Kansas Exl champion class.
Gro Solberg m/ BIR/ BIS Madison av Milkcreek, dommer L.H Wilberg,
Henning Been m/ BIM Onslow
(foto: B. R. Holmen)
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, BIM / Onslow BOS
Cafridas Ikympic Iline Ojoff-joff, nr 1 4-6 mnd, 2 BTK / Joffe nr 1 4-6
mnths, 2. best female
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, nr 2 4-6 mnd / Olava nr.2 4-6 mnths.
International show, NKK Kristiansand 09.05.10
Dommer/jugde: Britta Roos-Børjesson, SE
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2 BTK,
Cert, Cacib, Champion / Fannie 2. best female, Cac, Cacib and Norwegian
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 3 BHK, Cert,
Champion / Kansas 3 best male, Cac, Norwegian Champion
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, 1 kval, nr 3 konk, / Kozie Exl open class, nr 3 in the class,
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, 2 kpnk / Nero Exl, intermed
class, nr 2 in the class.
Kennel Cafrida nr 2 oppdretter m/ hp / Cafrida nr 2 breeders class, prize of honour.
National show, Kristiansand 08.05.10
Dommer /jugde: Carsten Birk, DK
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, 4 BTK, Ck/ Kozie 4. best female, Res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, nr 3 4-8 mnd / Oda nr 3 in class 4-6 mnths.
National show, Tyskland 08.05.10
Dommer/jugde: Frank Lorenz, GE
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, exl, nr 3 i åpen klasse / Kentucky Exl, nr 3 open class
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk, exl, ikke plassert /exl, not placed
Europasieger show, Tyskland 07.05.10
Dommer/jugde: Petra Schultzheiss, GE
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, exl, nr 2 i åpen
klass, Cert/ Kentucky Exl, nr 2 in open class, Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk, exl, nr 3 i åpen klasse / Kk Exl, nr 3 in
open class
Valpeshow, Selbu 01.05.10
Dommer/jugde: Rose-Marie Emery, SE
Oda BIM / Nellyvill`s Go for It BIR
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, BIM / Oda BOS
National show, Stange 25.04.10
Dommer / jugde: Britta Roos- Børjesson, SE
Cafridas Instamatic Inca Izett, 2. BTK, Cert / Inca 2.
best female, Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 3 BHK, Ck / Kentucky 3. best male, res
National show, Stange 24.04.10
Dommer / jugde: John Jacobsen, N
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 2. BHK, Cert / Kansas
2. best male, Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska,1 kval,1 konk ,Ck / Nero exl
intermed class, nr 1 in intermed.class, Res Cac
Cafridas Instamatic Inca Izett, 1 kval, 3.konk, Ck / Inca Exl, nr 3 in
open class, res Cac
International show, Luxembourg 27-28.04.10
Dommer/ jugde Elghund: M. Talvitie Fin / Berner: G. Roth, D
Kennel Cafrida 2. BEST IN SHOW oppdretter / Kennel Cafrida 2. BEST IN SHOW BREEDERS CLASS.
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIR, Luxembourg juniorchampion / Leah BOB, Lux juniorchampion
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr 3
unghund / Nero Exl, nr 3. intermed class.
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 4 i ��pen klasse / Kansas Exl, nr
4. in open class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 2 i åpen klasse, Res Cert /
Fannie, Exl, nr 2 in open class, res Cac.
International show Harstad 20.03.10
Dommer / jugde: Hans Almgen, SE
Kennel Cafrida BIR oppdretter, HP / Kennel Cafrida BOB Breeders class, prize of honour
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 3 BHK, Ck / Nero 3.
best male, res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 kval, 3. åpen klasse, Ck / Kansas Exl,
nr 3. in open class, res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2. BTK, Res Cacib, Ck / Fannie, 2. best
female, res Cacib, Res Cac
National show, Bergen 06.03.10
Dommer / jugde: Jeff Luscott, Irl
Cafridas Historic Hawana Heartbeat, BIR, Cert / Hawana BOB, Cac
International show, Bø 20.02.10
Dommer/jugde: Usch Eisner, A
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 1 kval, 1 konk, Ck /
Nero Exl, nr 1 intermed class, res Cac
cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 1 kval, 4 konk / Kansas Exl, nr 4 in
open class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 1 kval, 3 konk / Fannie Exl, nr 3 in
open class
Dissse fikk 2. kval / These got very good
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk
National show, Hellerud 31.01.10
Dommer /jugde: Birgitta Svarstad, SE
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, BIM, Cert / Nero BOS, Cac
National show Hellerud 30.01.10
Dommer /jugde: Michael Leonard, Irl
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 2. Bhk,
Cert / Nero 2. best male, Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk, 1 kval, 1 konk,Ck / Kk Exl, nr 1 in open
class, res Cac
Vega 1 kval, 2 konk, Hp / Vega Exl, nr 2 in veteran class, prize of
National show, Letohallen 17.01.10
Dommer/ jugde: Ann Rode, SE
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 1 kval, 2 konk, Hp /
Kentucky Exl, nr 2 in intermed class, prize of honour
Cafridas kinetic Kozie Keystone, 2 kval / Kozie very good
National show, Letohallen 16.01.10
Dommer/jugde: Diogo Ramahlo, Portugal
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 1 kval, 1 konk /
Kentucky Exl, nr 1 in intermed class
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, 1 kval / Kozie Exl.
Vega, 1 kval, 2 konk / Vega Exl, nr 2 in veteran class
show Nürnberg 16.01.10
Elghund: N. Vazaka, Hellas
Berner / bernese: Dommer / jugde. Hans
Jährling, DE/ gruppe / group. Anne Marie Thomassen, SE
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIR, Cert, VDH Jugendchampion / Leah BOB, Cac, VDH Jugendchampion
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, BIR, Cacib, Cert,
3.BIG / Nero BOB, Cacib, Cac, nr 3. in the group
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr i åpen klasse, Cert / Kansas Exl,
nr 1 in open class, Cac
cafridas kinetic Kassie Kk, Exl, nr 1 i åpen klasse, Cert / Kk Exl, nr 1
in open class, Cac