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Our highlight in 2011
Jugdes: Males: Heikinen Lehkonen, females: Theveon-Wuelleman
World Winner 2011, Best of Breed, Cacib, Qualified to Crufts 2012:
N SE Uch Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King
Buskerud Elghundklubb
Dommer/jugde: Eli M. Klepp
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, Ck, 2 BTK / Leah 2. best female, Ck.
Ladies Kennel Association Championship Dog Show 2011
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIR, Cert / BOB CAC, qualified to Crufts
Berner / bernese:
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, no 1 veteran class, qualified
to Crufts.
Cafridas Kinteic Kansas Knight, no 2 open class, qualified to Crufts
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, no 4 limit class.
Vår gode gamle Thea sovnet rolig inn 1.12.2011. / Our good, old, Thea died peacfully 1.12.2011.
Dog4ALL, Lillestrøm
Kennel Cafrida BIR oppdretter, prize of honour.
( Kansas, Kentucky, Falco and Nero)
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 3. BTK, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, nr 1 intermed class, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl, nr 3 intermed class
These got Very Good.
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne
Cafridas Kinetic Kawa Kadina
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylavania Peace
Nat Show Orkdal
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 2 BTK, Ck, Res Cac
Nat Show, Stord
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
Valper / puppies
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, nr 2 6 -9 mnths
Nat. show, Kongsberg.
Kennel Cafrida Best in Show Breeders class.
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 3 Chkk, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, 4 Chkk, Ck
Cafridas Quadratic Quiet Quelsey, VG
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk, Exl
Valper / Puppies
Cafridas Rhytmic Rolls Royce BIM / BOS
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, nr 2 6-9 mnhths.
Int Show, Denmark
Caridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 3 BHK, res Cert / 3. Best male, Res Cac
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, VG
Int Show, Denmark
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 5 Chkk, Ck / nr 5 champ class, CK
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, 1 Akk / nr 1 open class.
Nat Show Letohallen
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, VG ( to heavy)
Valper / puppies
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, nr 2 6 -9 mnths.
Nat Show Letohallen
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 2 BHK, CK
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 3 BHK, CK
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 4 BHK, CK
Cafridas Olympc Onslow Ohio, Exl, 1 Ukk,Ck, Res Cert / Res Cac
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, Exl, 1 JKK
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 4 BTK, CK
Cafridas Quadratic Quiet Quelsey, Exl, 2 JKK
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 UKK
Kennel Cafrida Best in Show Breeder
Valper / Puppies
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, BIR / BOB
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, nr 3 6- 9 mnths
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, nr 4
6-9 mnths
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, nr 2 6-9 mnths
Nat Show Letohallen
Cafridas Kinetic Kentuck King, BIR / BOB
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl, 2 Ukk
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, VG
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 1 Ukk
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr 2 chkk
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, nr 3 chkk
Kentucky, Falco, Nero og Olava
Kennel Cafrida Best in Show Breeder.
Valper / Puppies
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Roy, BIR / BOB
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, BIM, BOS
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, nr 2 6 -9 mnths
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, nr 3 6-9 mnths.
Nat Show Germany
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIR, Cert
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BIM, 1 BTK, Cert
Cafridas Olympic Olava oladala, 2 BTK, Cert
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 2 BHK, Cert
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 2, Res Cert.
Bundessiegershow, Germany
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIR, Cacib, Cert, Bundessieger 2011
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, Cert,
Tysk Champion
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, Cert.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 1 Chk, cert, Tysk Champion
Cafridas Olympic Olava oladala, Exl, nr 3 Intermed class.
Int Show, Hamar
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl, 4 Aukk
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl, nr 4 Jkk
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
Nat Show, Leto
Kansas og "onkel" Henning.
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BIM / BOS, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 2 BHK, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kawa Kadina, 4 BTK, Ck
Valper / puppies
Gumman og "onkel" Henning
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap BIM / BOS
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, 2 BHK
Nat Show Leto
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BIM / BOS
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 2 BHK. Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 4 Chkk, Ck
Valper/ Puppies:
Bøllebob og Ole Einar. (foto Vatndal)
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, BIR, BOB, 1 BIG
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumbløin`Rap, nr 2 4 -6 mnd.
Int Nat show, Ekerø, Finland
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIR, Cacib, Cert
Berner / bernese:
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 4 Chkk
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 3 Chkk
Nat Show Bergen.
Cafridas Nostalgic Nalle Nevada, VG
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
Valper / puppies:
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, nr 2 4 -6 mnd / nr 2 4 -6 mnths
Int nat Show Sverige
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 3 Chkk, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 3 Chkk, Ck
NBSK avd Buskerud
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 4 Chkk, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl
Valper / puppies:
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, nr 2 4 -6 mnd / nr 2 4 -6 mnths
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, nr 4 4-6 mnd / nr 4 4 -6 mnts
Nat Show Sandnes
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, G
Valper / Puppies:
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, nr 2 4 -6 mnd / nr 2 4 -6 mnths
Int Show NKK Stavanger
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 3 Bhk, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Freindly Fannie, Exl, 3 Chkk, Ck
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
FCI Centenary Show, Nederland
FCI Centenary Champion, Qualified to Crufts 2012
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIM / BOS, Cacib, 2 X Cert /Cacib, 2 X Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 3 Chkk
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 2 Chkk
Nat show Nederland
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, BIR / BOB, Cert / Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 2 Chkk.
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIM / BOS, Cert / Cac
Nat Show Hundorp
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, VG
Valper / puppies.
Cafridas Rhythmic Rhapsody Romance, nr 3 4-6 mnd / nr 3 4-6 mnth
Nat Show Drammen
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, 3 Chkk, Ck
Valpeshow / Puppies
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae BIM / BOS
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, ikke plassert 4 -6 mnd, not
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, ikke plassert 4 -6 mnd / not placed
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, ikke plassert 4 -6 mnd / not placed
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, BIR / BOB
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, nr 2 4-6 mnd / nr 2 4 -6 mnths
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, nr 2 4 -6 mnd / nr 2 4 -6 mnths
Int Show NKK Bjerke
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 4 Chkk,
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 3 Ukk
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 4 Chkk
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, Exl.
Nat Show Mosjøen
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BIR, /BOB
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BIM / BOS
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 3 Bhk, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 1 Ukk
Cafridas Galagtic Gitte Giselle, VG
Valper / Puppies.
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, BIR, 1 BIG, 3 Best in Show
Nat show Mosjøen
Kennel Cafrida Best in Show Breeders class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 2 Bhk, Ck
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 3 Bhk, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2 Btk, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Olava oladala, 3 Btk, Res Cert, Ck
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, Exl, 2 Akk, Ck
Valper / puppies.
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, BIM / BOS
Nat Show Leknes
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, Ck, 2 Bhk
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, Ck, 3 Bhk
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, Ck, 3 Btk
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, Ck, 4 Btk
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, Exl,4 Akk, Ck
Kennel Cafrida BIR oppdretter, BOB breedersclass, prize of Honour, 4 BIS
Valper / puppies
Cafridas Rhytmic Rolls Royce, BIR / BOB
Nat Show Leknes
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, Ck, 2 Bhk
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, Ck, 3 Bhk
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, Ck, 4 Btk
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, VG
Valper / puppies
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, BIR / BOB
Nat show Nesbyen
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, Exl, 2 Ukk
Valper/ puppies:
Cafridas Rhytmic Rexie Royal, nr 3 4 -6 mnths
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, nr 5 4 -6 mnths
Nat Show Leknes
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BIR / BOB
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BIM / BOS
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, Ck, 3 Bhk
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 1 Ukk
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, Exl, 3 Akk
Kennel Cafrida BIR oppdretter, 2 BIS breeders class. Prize of honour
Valper / Puppies:
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, BOB / BIR, 4. BIG
Nat Show Karmøy
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, Exl, 2 Ukk, Ck
NBSK avd Hedmark
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, Ck, 3 Bhk
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 Ukk
Valper/ puppies
Cafridas Quadratic Quintheo Quattro, nr 2 6-9 mnd
Nat Show Karmøy
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, Exl, Cert, BIM / Cac BOS
Her kommer mer fra Ranseter:
Valper / puppies
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, BIR, HP, 2 BIG
Show Sverige
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 3 Bhk,
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 4 Btk, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, 2 Akk, Ck
Cafridas olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl, 3 Ukk, Ck
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamles, Exl, 4 Akk, Ck
Kennel Cafrida BIR oppdretter, hp / BOB breeders class, prize of honour
Valper / puppies:
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, nr 2 4 -6 mnd, hp. / nr 2 4 -6 mnths, prize of honour
Show Sverige
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 2
Chkk, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, VG
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, G
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, G
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamles, G
Valper / puppies:
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, nr 4 4 -6 mnd, hp. / nr 4 4 -6 mnths, prize of honour

Jugdes: Males: Heikinen Lehkonen, females: Theveon-Wuelleman
World Winner 2011, Best of Breed, Cacib, Qualified to Crufts 2012:
N SE Uch Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King
Kentucky, Ole Einar and jugde: Paula Heikinen Lehkonen
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala nr 4
intermed class, Exl:
These got exellent:
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska
Jugde: Edh.
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, VG
Championat De France 2011
jugde: H. A-Feyel
Best of Breed, Cac:
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah
jugdes: males: Touron, females Alcrudo
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2. Best
female, Exl
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 3 Champ class
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl
NKK Trondheim

Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, Ck, 3. bhk
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, Ck, nr 4 Chkk
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 3 Ukk
Cafridas Kinetic Keystone Kozie, VG
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, G
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, VG
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, Ck, 3.
Champ class
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, Exl, 4 AKK, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 UKK
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Exl,2 JKK
Cafridas Kinetic Keystone Kozie, VG
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, VG
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, VG
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamlet, G.
Valper / Puppies:
" Freddie" BIM, foto H. Been.
Cafridas Quadratic Qash Qai, BIM / BOS
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, nr 2 - 4 -6 mnths
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, nr 4 4 -6 mnts
Nat show 19.06.2011
Cafridas Olympic Olava oladala, G
Puppyshow 19.06.2011
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, nr 2. 4-6 mnths.
Nat show 18.06.2011
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOS (BIM)
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 best female, Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 3. best male, Ck
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, BOS (BIM)
Clubshow 11.06.2011
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenic, G
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Exl
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, G
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, G
Cafridas Quadratic Qunto Quatro, nr 3 4- 6
Cafridas Quadratic Quiet Quelsey, nr 3 4 -6 mnths
Int Show, Germany
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, BOS, Cacib,
Cac, Club Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Cacib, BOB, Cac.
Int Show Sweden 04.06.2011
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, BOB, Cacib,
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 3 Best male. Res Cac
National show 02.06.2011
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl, 3 JKK, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebrska, VG
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, VG
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Ouatro, 1 4-6 mnths,
2 Best male
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, nr 3 -4-6 mnths
Cafridas Quadratic Quiet Quelsey, nr 4 4-6 mnths
Puppyshow, Norway
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, BOB
Puppyshow, Norway
Cafridas Quadratic Quintheo Quattro, BOB, 3. BIG
Nat Show Støren 29.05.2011
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, VG
Nat.show, Mo i Rana 29.05.2011
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 1 JKK,
Nat. Show Støren, 28.05.2011
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 1 JKK. Ck,
Res Cac, 3. best female
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, Exl, 2. JKK
Elghund spesial 21.05.2011
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, 3. Best female, Ck
Nat. show Ålesund, 22.05.2011
Cafridas Pacifi Pennsylvania Peace, Exl, 1 junior class.
Puppyshow, Norway 22.05.2011
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, BOB, 1 in
the group 4. Best in show
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, BOS
Cafridas Quadratic Quiet Quelsey nr 2 4 -6 mnths
Puppyshow, Norway 22.05.2011
Cafridas Quadratic Quentheo Quattro, BOS
Puppyshow, Norway 21.05.2011
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, BOS
Cafridas Quadratic Quiet Quelsey, nr 2 4-6 mnths
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, nr 3 4 -6 mnths
Puppyshow, Norway 14.05.2011
Cafridas Quadratic
Quinto Quatro, BOS
Cafridas Quadratic Quiet Quelsey 2. best female
Puppyshow, Norway 07.05.2011
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, BOB, 2. in
the group
Cafridas Quadratic Ouinto Quatro, BOS
Cafridas Quadratic Quiet Quelsey 2.4-6 mnths.
Int Show Denmmark, 08.05.2011
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 3 Chk, 5. Best
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr 3 open class.

Int Show Germany 07.05.2011
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 4. Chk
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, 4. open class
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Very Good
FCI Centenary Winner Show, Germany 06.05.2011
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BOB, Cacib, Cac, FCI CentenaryCAC

Fannie and Amigo puppies are born. 3 males and 5 females. They are all healthy and in good shape. All the puppies are asked for
Puppies 4 weeks old
Everything is just fine with the puppies. They are healthy and growing fast:-) All the puppies are asked for.
Male 1,2 & 3
Female 1,2 & 3
Female 4 & 5

Nat Show, Norway, 31.04.2011, dommer /
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 juniorclass
Cafridas Olympåic Oda Odelsjente, Exl, 3 junior class
Nat Show Norway, 31.04.2011, dommer /jugde:
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 1 Best Male, BOS
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl.
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio
Nat Show Norway, 30.04.2011, dommer / jugde:
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Very Good
Nat Show, Norway, 30.04.2011, dommer /
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 juniorclass
Cafridas Olympåic Oda Odelsjente, Exl, 3 junior class
Nat Show Norway, 30.04.2011, dommer / jugde:
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 1 Best male, BOS
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl
Cafridas Pacific Price Phoenix, Very Good
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio Very Good
Int Show, Norway, 10.04.2011, dommer / jugde: M. Sunde, N
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, Very Good
Nat Show Norway 09.04.2011, dommer / jugde P. V Montfort, NL
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 3 BHK, Ck,
Kansas 3. best male, Ck
Cafridas Pacific Prince
Phoenix, Very Good
Int Show, Norway 20.02.2011, dommer /jugde: R. M Alcrudo, Esp
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero
Nebraska, Exl, 1 Ak, Ck, 4 BHK, Cert, Champion / 4. Best male, Champion
Cafridas Kinetic Kentuck King, Exl, 4. Chk, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kassie Kk, Exl, 3 AK, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, Exl
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, Exl, 4 Jk.
Nat Show Norway 13.02.2011, dommer / jugde: Ralf Campell, N
Kennel Cafrida 2. Best in show Breeders group
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl,
1 Chk, Ck, BIR / BOB
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 1 chk, Ck, BIM /
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 2 Chk
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Very Good
Nat Show, Norway 12.02.2011, dommer / jugde: Svein Helgesen
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 1 Chk, Ck, BIM / BOS
Nat Show Norway, 06.02.2011, dommer /
jugde: K. Butrimova
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 2 ch, Ck, 4 BHK
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 3 chk, Ck
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, 2 Akk, Ck
Nat show, Norway 05.02.2011, dommer / jugde: J. Eberhardt, D
Ronja m/ Petter Homen, BIM, Kentucky m /Ole Einar BIR (foto. Bente
R. Holmen)
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 1 chk, Ck, BIR/BOS
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 2 chk, Ck, 3 BHK / 3. Best male
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, 1 akk, Ck
DBSK show, Denmark, dommer /jugde: S.
Wesseltoft og Charlotte Høier
Resultat begge dager:
Cafridas Kinetic
Kentucky King, Exl, Res Cac, nr 4 champ
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 5 in champ class.
My Dog 09.01.2011, dommer / jugde H. A. Feyel, DE
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 4 i champ class.
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, nr 2 open class.
My Dog 08.01.2011, dommer / jugde: ing-Marie Haglin, SE
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 3
champ class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, nr 2 open class.