2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 |
2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
Nat show Letohallen,
jugde: Niksa Lemo
Cafridas Frolic Friendly
Fannie, Best female, Best of breed veteran, Best in show veteran
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, 2 best male, best male veteran.
Cafridas Rhtymcic Rolls Royce, 3 best male, Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl.
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, 2 best female, Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl
Cafridas Frolic
Friendly Fannie, best in show prog group
Kennel Cafrida 2. Best in show breeders class
Stora Stockholm
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie,2. best female, Best female veteran.
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 3 champ class, Ck
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, 2. best female, Ck
Dogs4all 24.11.2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2 best
female, best of breed veteran, 4 best in show veteran, Norwegian
veteranwinner 2012
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl,
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, .
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, G
Cafridas olympic Olava Oladala, Exl,
Cafridas Kinetic Keystone Kozie, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie royal, Exl, nr 4 intermed class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin Rap, Exl
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl.
Nat show Orkdal 10.11.2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly
Fannie, Best of breed, best of breed veteran, Best in show veteran
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas
Knight, Best male, Ck
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 3. best male, Ck
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, Exl, nr 2 veteran
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, 4 Best female, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, nr 2 open class,
Kennel Cafrida Best in show Breeders class.
Nat show Stord 10.11.2012
Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Best of breed, Cac
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG, nr 4 open class
Nat show Kongsberg 10.11.2012
Cafridas Frolic
Fearless Falco, Exl, nr 1 veteran class, Ck, Best of breed veteran
Rhythmic Ragtime,Reggae,
Exl, nr 2 intermed class
Nordic Winner 2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best of Breed
veteran, Nordic veteran winner 2012
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 2 Best male, Res Cacib, Res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Fealless Faclo, Exl, nr 2 veteran class
Cafridas Rhythmig Rolls Royce, Exl, nr 2 intermed class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 3 intermed class.
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, 2. best female. Ck.

Danish Winner 2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best female, best of breed veteran, Danish winner 2012, Danish veteranwinner 2012
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, nr 2 veteran class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl
Cafridas Kinetic Kentuky King, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, VG, nr 3 inter med class.
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, VG.
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, 2. best female.
Nat show Letohallen 28.10.2012
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Best of
breed, ck
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, 3 best male, Best male veteran, ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 4 best male, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl, nr 2 open class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2 best female, Best of breed veteran,
3. best in show veteran
Cafridas Rhythmig Rumblin`Rap, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, VG
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, G.
Kennel Cafridas 3. best in show breeders class
Nat show Letohallen 27.10.2012
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas
Knight, 3 Best male, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, 4 best male, Ck Best male veteran
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 4 in champ class, Ck,
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio , VG
Cafridas Frlic Friendly Fannie, 1 veteran, Ck, Best of breed veteran
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, Exl, nr 2 veteran class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 1 inter med class, Res Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin Rap, VG
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, VG
Kennel Cafrida
Best in show Breeders class.
Nat Show Letohallen, 21.10.2012
Cafridas Kinetic
Kentucky King, Best male, ck
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, 2 best male, Cac
Cafridas Olypmpic Oda Odelsjente, 3 best female, Cac
Nat show Letohallen 20.10.2012
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Best of Breed,
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best female, Best of breed veteran, ck
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, 2 Best male, Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, 3 Best male,ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin Rap VG
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, VG, nr 2 veteran.
Kennel Cafrida 2. best in
show breeders class

Int Show, Hamar 13.10.2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 4 best female. ck
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, nr 4 champ class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, Exl, nr 3 inter med class
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, VG
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Exl,
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, VG, nr 4 veteran class
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, nr 2 veteran
Nat show Letohallen 07.10.2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best female,
Best of breed veteran ,2 best in show veteran, ck
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, 3 best female, Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero nebraska, 3 best male,ck
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, 4 best male, Res Cac.
Nat show Letohallen 06.10.2012
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Best of Breed,
nr 1 in the group, ck
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best female, Best of Breed veteran, ck
Cafridas Olympic Onslow ohio, 3 best male, Res Cac
Cafridas olympic Oda Odelsjente, 4 best female, Res Cac

Nat show, Bergen 29.09.2012
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, 2 best
female, Res Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, G

Clubshow England
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Best of Breed,
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight nr 4 open class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, nr 2 yearling
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, nr 3 veteran class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, nr 5 yealing.
Kennel Cafrida Best in show breeders class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie nr 1 prog group
Fannie and Kansas nr i couple
Rolls royce and Rexie nr 4 couple
Int Show Rogaland
Cafridas Frolic Friendly
Fannie, Best of breed, 3 Best in show veteran. ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Best male, Cacib
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, 3 Best male, Res Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl , nr 1 intermed
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl, nr 4 open
Kennel Cafrida 2 best in show breeders class,
Smalmyra`S S-M Leah, Exl, nr 1 champ class.
Nat show Rogaland.
Cafrdias Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best of
breed, Best in show veteran, 2. best in show. ck
Caridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, nr 2 intermed class,
Clubshow, Buskerud, Norway, 09.09.2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly
Fannie, Best of Breed, Best of Breed veteran
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Bos veteran, 3 best
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, 4. best male
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, Exl
Kennel Cafrida 2. best breed, prize of honour.
Clubshow, Østfold, Norway 08.09.2012
Cafridas Frolic
Friendly Fannie BOB veteran, 3. best female
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, 2 VKK, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, Exl, 2 Aukk, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl.
Int show, Tromsø
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King,
1 best male, BOS, Cacib Int Champion
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 4 Best
female, BOB Veteran
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 3 in open
class, Ck
Nat show, Tromsø
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, 2. best male.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 3 Best female,
BOB Veteran
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl
N Uch BH Cafridas Frolic Fearless Faclo!
Falco has passed the test "ferdelsprøve" and has got a new title BH!
Nat show, Drammen 25.08.2012
(Foto: Vatndal)
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best in Show
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, BIR / BOB
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BIM / BOS, BIR veteran / Bob
Kentucky, dommer M. Klok, Fannie
Falco in the ring
Cafridas Frolic
Fearless Falco, Exl, Ck, BIM Veteran, BOS veteran
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Exl, 2 Akk, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Rhapsody Romance, G
Kennel Cafrida 2. Best in Show Breeders group.
Kentucky, Falco, Maxi og Fannie
Nat show, Drammen 25.08.2012
Falco, dommer Di Lorenzo og Ronja.
Gratulerer Ronja, Bente og Petter:-) (Foto Homen)
Cafridas Frolic
Fearless Falco, Exl, Ck, BIM, BOS, BIM Veteran, BOS veteran
Cafridas Frolic Freindly Fannie, Exl, 2 VTKK, Ck
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Exl, 2 Akk, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, 2 Aukk
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, Exl, 3 Aukk
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, 3 Jkk
Cafridas Rhythmic Rhapsody Romance, Exl, 4 Jkk
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 3 Chkk
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, VG, 2 Aukk
Nat show, Støren, Norway 26.08.2012
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Esl, 3 BTK, Res Cac
Nat show, Støren, Norway 25 .08.2012og 26.08.2012
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Esl, 3 BTK, Res Cac
Int Show, Eskilstuna, Sweden 19.08.2012
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, 2 Ukk, 4 BTK, Res
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, 2 Ukk
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 5 Chkk
Int show, Bjerke, Norway 18 - 19/08-2012
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah 2 Btk, Res Cacib.
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumbli`n Rap, Exl, 1 jkk, Ck, Res
Cac, Cruft Qualified 2013
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, 2 Jkk
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl, 3 Akk, Ck
Caridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 3 Chkk, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, VG
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, 2 Jkk
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 4 Chkk
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, not placed Chk.
Int Show Sweden,11.08.2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, BOB, Cacib
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, nr 2 intermed class, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 3 champ class, Ck
Nat show, Nesbyen
Kennel Cafrida BOB breeders class, prize of
Fannie, dommer Eva Borg, Nero
Cafridas Frolic Friendly
Fannie BOB
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, BOS
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, 2 best
male, Cac
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, 3 best male, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, Exl, nr 2 in junior class
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, G
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, G
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, G
Club show, Norway 04.08.2012
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 5 in champ
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, Exl nr 3 in junior class
Nat show, Ranseter,
Cafridas Kinetic Kozie Keystone, Exl, nr 2
open class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rhapsody Romance, VG.
Nat show, Våler 15.07.2012
Falco, Nero, Rexie og Fannie, dommer Britt
Kennel Cafrida BOB breeders class, prize of honour, 3 best in show
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, BOB
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, Exl, nr 2 junior class
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, 2 in champ class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, VG, nr 3 junior class
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl, nr 1 intermed class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, Exl, nr 2 inter med class, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, Exl
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylania Peace, Exl,
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, Exl
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 3. best female, Ck
Nat show, Våler 14.07.2012
(Kansas, Falco, Gumman og Fannie)
Kennel Cafrida BOB breeders class, prize of honour, 2 best in show
(Fannie, Roy, Kansas, Gumman og
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB prognecy group, prize of honour, 2
best in show.
Kansas, dommer Per h Nymark, Fannie
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas
Knight, BOB
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOS
Fannie og Gumman
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, 2 best female, Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, 4 best male, Res Cac
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, 3in champ class
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl,
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 2 junior class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, Exl, nr 1 inter med class
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl, nr 3 intermed class
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, Exl
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylania Peace, Exl, nr 2 open class, Ck
Cafridas Galactic Gitte Giselle, G
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, 152,5 points, nr 8 in the class.
Nat show, Tvååker, Sweden 07.07.2012
(Pictures by Pernilla Svedjeby)
(Kansas, Falco, Fannie og Rexie)
Kennel Cafrida BOB
breeders class, prize of honour
(Fannie, Roy, Kansas, Gumman og Rexie)
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB prognecy group, prize og honour
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight,
Exl, 2 best male, Res Cac,
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, nr 2 champ class, Ck
Cafridas Rhytmic Rolls Royce, VG, nr 2 intermed class
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl, nr 1 open class, Ck, 3 best
Cafridas Frolic Freindly Fannie, Exl, 2 best female, , Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin Rap, Exl, nr 1 junior class, Ck
Cafridas Olympiv Oda Odelsjente, Exl.
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, VG
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, best female, BOB
Int show, Tvååker, Sweden 06.07.2012
(Pictures by Pernilla Svedjeby)
(Kansas, Falco, Fannie og Rexie)
Kennel Cafrida BOB breeders class, prize of honour
(Fannie, Roy, Kansas, Gumman og Rexie)
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB prognecy
group, prize og honour
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight,
Exl, 2 best male, Res Cac, Res Cacib
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl, nr 2 champ class, Ck
Cafridas Rhytmic Rolls Royce, VG, nr 2 intermed class
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl, nr 3 open class
Cafridas Historic Highness Hamlet, VG
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
Cafridas Frolic Freindly Fannie, Exl, 2 best female, Res Cacib, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, Exl, nr 1 intermed class, ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 4 in intermed class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin Rap, VG
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, 2 best female, Res Cacib.
Club show, Trondheim 01.07.2012
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, Ck, 4 Chkk
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl
Cafridas Olympic Onslow Ohio, Exl
Cafridas Historic Higness Hamlet, VG
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl, 4 Aukk
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, Exl
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, Exl
Cafridas olympic Olava Oladala, VG
Int show, Trondheim 30.06.2012
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, VG, nr 2 junior class
Nat show Oppdal, 24.06.2012
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, VG
Nat show, Bodø, 17.06.2012
Kennel Cafrida Best in show Breeders class, prize of honour
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOS
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, nr 1 junior class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, nr 1 junior class.

Nat show, Bodø 16.06.2012

Kennel Cafrida BIS breeders class, prize of honour
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce BOS, Cac
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, Exl, 3 BTK, Res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 1 champ class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, VG, nr 1 junior class
Nat show, Mo 10/06-2012
Roy, Kansas, Fannie og Rexie
Kennel Cafrida Best in show breeders class.hp
Fannie og Kansas med dommer Eva Mjelde
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie,
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOS
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, 3 BHK, Res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 2 BTK, Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, 1 Jkk
Cafridas Olympiv Oda Odelsjente, VG
Nat show, Mo 09/06-2012
Kennel Cafridas best in show breeders class, hp
Fannie her med dommer Birgitta Svarstad.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie , BOB, 1 BIG,4. Best in show
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOS
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, 3 BHK, Res Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, Exl, 1 Jkk
Nat show, Mo 09/06-2012
Kansas, Fannie, Rexie og Olava
Kennel Cafridas Best in show breeders class, hp
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOB, nr 2 in the
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOS
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 BTK, Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, 3 BTK, Res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Oda Odelsjente, Exl, 4 BTK, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, 1 Jkk
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, VG
Int Show Neumunster, Germany 02/06-2012
Kennel Cafrida 2. Best in show breeders class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 1 BTK, BOB,
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, 2 BHK, Res Cacib Cac, VDH Champion
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce Exl, 1 Jkk, German Junior Cac.
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BOB, Cacib, Cac, VDH Champion

Int show Drammen 02/06-2012

Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, 3 Chkk, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Olaval Oladala, Exl, 4 Akk, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rhapsody Romance, G
NBSK, Frya 26/05-2012
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl
World Dogshow 2012 Austria
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie Exl, nr 4 in champ.
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, Res Cacib, Cac, 2 BTK
Clubshow WDS 2012 Austria
Kennel Cafrida 2. best in show breeders class
Fannie and Kansas nr 3 in paar class.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl 3 in champion
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, no 6 in champ class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, VG
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, VG
NBSK avd Øvre Romerike 19/05-2012
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr 4
champ class.
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle
Qorinne, VG
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, VG
Cafridas Quadratic Quinto Quatro, 0 because trouble with leg.
Nat. show, Sunndalsøra 29/04-2012
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl,2 AKK, Ck, 4 BTK
Nat show, Førde 28/04-2012
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, Exl, 2 JKK, Ck,3 BTK
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Exl, 2 AKK, Ck, 4 BTK
Nat show, Sunndalsøra 28/04-2012
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 AKK, Ck
Nat show, Bergen 15/04.-2012
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal,
Exl, 2 Junior class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rhapsody Romance, Exl, 4
Junior class
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Exl.
International Show - Luxembourg, 1/4-2012
Leah har blitt Luxembourg Champion!
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, BIR/BOB
International Show -
Luxembourg, 31/03-2012
Kansas har blitt Luxembourg Champion!
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - nr 4 Junior class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, nr 1 Champion class, CERT
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie - nr 2 Champion class
National Show - Norsk
Rottweiler Klubb - Letohallen, 04/03-2012
Dommer: Camilla Ricart Mas, ESP
Kennel Cafrida BIR og BIS oppdretter, prize of honour.
Rolls Royce, Maxi, Rexie and Lotta
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - Exl, nr 2 Junior class, Ck, 3 BHK
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace (Maxi), Exl, nr 1 open class, Ck,
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, nr 1 Junior class, Ck, BIM junior, 2
BTK - Res Cert
Cafridas Rhythmic Rhapsody Romance (Lotta), Exl, nr 2 Junior class, Ck,
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, Exl, nr 3 junior class
BIR - Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace (Maxi) / BIM - Vegamo's Obama
BIR junior - Taplacs Steeling Home / BIM junior - Cafridas Rhythmic
Rexie Royal
The "Cafrida-girls" in the junior class (before judgement). From left:
Lotta, Qorinne and Rexie
National Show - Norsk
Rottweiler Klubb - Letohallen, 03/03-2012
Dommer: Manuel Santamaria Ossorio, ESP
Kennel Cafrida BIR og BIS oppdretter, prize of honour.
Rolls Royce, Maxi, Rexie and Lotta
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - Exl, nr 1 Junior class, Ck, BIM junior,
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace (Maxi), Exl, nr 2 open class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, nr 1 Junior class, Ck, BIR junior, 2
BTK - Res Cert
Cafridas Rhythmic Rhapsody Romance (Lotta), VG, nr 3 Junior class
Cafridas Quadratic Quelle Qorinne, VG, nr 4 junior class
Fiona - BIR / Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - BIM
BIR /BIM junior - Rexie and Bøllebob (Rolls Royce)
International Show - NKK - Bø, 12/2-2012
Berner Sennenhund
Dommer: Sølvi Schjelderup, NO
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - Exl, nr 4 Junior class
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, VG
Dommer: Lars Hjelmtvedt, NO
Smalmyra`s S-M Leah, Exl, nr 2 i Champion class, Ck,
National Show - Norsk
Welsh Corgi Klubb - Letohallen, 12/2-2012
Dommer: Torbjörn Skaar, SE
Kennel Cafrida BIR og BIS oppdretter, prize of honour.
(Kansas, Rolls Royce, Falco and Fannie)
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 1 Champion class, Ck, 1
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - Exl, nr 1 Junior class, Ck, 3 BHK - CERT
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl nr 4 Champion class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 1 Champion class, Ck, 1 BTK,
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 1 Junior class, Ck
Kansas - BIG 3
Kansas - BIR / Fannie - BIM
National Show - Norsk Boxerklubb - Letohallen, 11/2-2012
Dommer: Britta Roos-Börjeson, SE
Kennel Cafrida BIR og BIS2 oppdretter, prize of honour.
(Kentucky, Rolls Royce, Falco and Reggae)
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, nr 1 Champion class, Ck, 1
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - Exl, nr 1 Junior class, Ck, 4 BHK - CERT
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Exl nr 4 Champion class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 1 Junior class, Ck, 2 BTK -
Beste hannhund klasse
Kentucky BIG2
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King - BIR / Nøklebyåsens Zelina - BIM
CERT-hundene Reggae og Rolls Royce
National Show - Norsk Schnauzer Bouvier Klubb - Hellerudsletta,
Dommer: Torbjørn Skaar, SE
Kennel Cafrida BIR og BIS oppdretter, prize of honour.
(Kansas, Kentucky, Nero and Fannie)
Kansas, Kentucky, Nero og Fannie.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie BIR & BIS avlsklasse / progency group
Fannie, Kansas, Kentucky, Rolls Royce og Rexie
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 1 Champion class, Ck, 2 BHK
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, nr 2 Champion class, Ck, 3 BHK
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr 3 Champion class, Ck, 4 BHK
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - Exl, nr 2 Junior class, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 1 Champion class, Ck, BIM
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, nr 1 Open class, Ck, 2 BTK
Cafridas Rhythmic Rumblin`Rap, Exl, nr 2 Junior class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, nr 4 Junior class
National Show - Norsk Schnauzer Bouvier Klubb - Hellerudsletta,
Dommer: Jeff Luscott
Kennel Cafrida BIR og BIS oppdretter, prize of honour.
(Kansas, Kentucky, Nero and Fannie)
Kansas, Kentucky, Nero og Fannie.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie BIR & BIS avlsklasse / progency group
Fannie, Kansas, Kentucky, Rolls Royce og Rexie
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 1 Champion class, Ck, 2 BHK
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr 2 Champion class, Ck, 3 BHK
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl, nr 3 Champion class, Ck, 4 BHK
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce - Exl, nr 2 Junior class, Ck
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 1 Champion class, Ck, BIM
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, nr 1 Open class, Ck, 2 BTK, Cert
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, nr 1 Junior class, Ck
Our highlight in 2011
Jugdes: Males: Heikinen Lehkonen, females: Theveon-Wuelleman
World Winner 2011, Best of Breed, Cacib, Qualified to Crufts 2012:
N SE Uch Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King