2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 |
2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |
National Christmas show, Norway
jugde: Mrs. A. Tiets, Russia
Fannie Best in show Prog group
Cafrida 4 best in show breeders class.
Cafridas Frolic
Friendly Fannie, 4. best female, Best of breed veteran
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, 3. best male
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, nr 4 champ, CQ
Cafridas Historic Hårek Harmless, Best male veteran, CQ, Best of
oppisite Veteran
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, nr 3 Champ
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl junior
Int show Lillestrøm 15.11.2014
Jugde: Mr. H. Rosenberg, SE
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Roy, Exl
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl,
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 3 open class, CQ
Cafridas Rhythmi Rexie Royal Exl
Another Hearbreaker av Milkcreek, Vg.
Kennel Cafrida 3 best of breed breeders class, hp
Int show -Obidience 14.11.2014
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, 1 prize class 3, ready for the higest class, Elite!!!!
Congrats to Mari Ann. What a job you do!!
Int show 14.11.2014
Jugde: Astrid Indrebø, Norway
Cfridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, CQ
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, CQ
Int Show, Herning, DKK 02.11.2014
Jugde: Mr. Muldoon, Irl
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, 4 best
female, Res Cac, Danish junior winner 2014
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl.
Int Show Herning, DKK 01.11.2014
Jugde: Mr. S Watson, Irl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Best Female,
Best of oppisite
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 4 best male
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl
Another Hearbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl, nr 4 junior class.
Int show, Harstad 04.10.2014
Jugde: Mr. Svein Helgesen, Norway
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie Best in Show
Prog Group
Kennel Cafrida 2. Best in Show Breeders Class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 2 best male
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 3 best female, Best of breed veteran
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, nr 2 open class, CQ
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, nr 4 champ, CQ
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl, nr 1 junior
Int Show, Stavanger 13.09.2014
jude: Mr. Freddie Klindrup
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie nr 2 prog group.
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Best male,
Best of Oppisite
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, 2. best male, Cacib, Cert and Norwegian
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 3. best male
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, exl, nr 2 junior class
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, exl, nr 3 open class, cQ
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 2 veteran, CQ
Int Show Luxembourg
Jugde: Mrs. L Mach, Swiss
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best female,
Best veteran, Luxembourg veteran winner 2014 Luxembourg veteran
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 2. best male,
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, nr 2 junior class, res Cac
Int Show Innsbruck, Austria
Juge: Mr. F. Lorentz, De
Cafridas Frolic
Friendly Fannie, Best veteran, Cac, Austrian veteran champion!
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight , exl, nr 4 champ class
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl, nr 2 junior class
Int Show Innsbruck, Austria
Jugde: ?
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Best
veteran, Cac
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Best junior, Cac, Austrian Junior
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 3 champ.
Roy`s first litter, Roabamsens
Mirakel litter - 5 puppies, are x-raid. All free hips and elbows
Int Show,Bjerke Oslo 17.08.2014
jugde: Mr.. Jan Herngren
Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2. best female, BOB veteran
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Vg
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Vg
Obedience, Bjerke 16.08.2014
LP Kl 2
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae,2. prize nr 5 in the class, 152 p.
Nat show, Nesbyen
Jugde: Mrs. N. Karlsdotter, SE
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas
Knight, BOB, nr 4 in the group.
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB veteran, 2 best female.
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl.nr 3
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Vg
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Vg.
Int Show, Oberwart, Austria 13.07.2014
Jugde: Mrs. P. Poduscka-Aiger, Austria
Kennel Cafrida Best in Show Breeders group!
Rexie Østerisk og Ungarsk seiertittel!
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, BOB, Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB veteran, Cac, 3. Best in show
Another Hearbreaker av Milkcreek, BOB junior, Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, exl, 2 champ, res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, nr champ class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Vg
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, Vg
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Vg
Nat Show, Våler 13.07.2014
jugde: Mr. Almgren, Se
Cafridas Kinetic Keystone Kozie, 2 best female, Cac
Int Nat show Szombathly, Hungary 12.07.2014
Jugde: Mr. Jaroslav Maytas, Sk
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, BOB, Cacib,Cac
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, BOS, Cacib, Cac
Cafridas Nostalgic Nero Nebraska, Exl, Res Cac
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB veteran, Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, Res Cac
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, Res Cac
Another Hearbreaker av Milkcreek, BOB junior, Cac
Kennel Cafrida 2. best in show breeders class.
Nat Show Szombathly, Hungary 12.07.2014
Jugde: Mr. Zoran Brankovic
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOB, Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOS, BOB Veteran, Cac
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, exl, 1 open class, Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, res Cac
Cafridas Nostalgci Nero Nebraska, Exl, 2 champ class, Res Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, 1 champ class, Cac
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, 2 champ class, Res Cac
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, BOB junior, Cac
Kennel Cafrida 2. best in show breeders class.
Nat Show , Våler 12.07.2014
jugde: Mrs Y. Brink, Se
Cafridas Kinetic Keystone Kozie, Exl, nr 1 open class.
Int Show NKK, Trondheim 05.07.2014
jugde: Mrs C Åkesson, Se
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, Exl, 2 open class, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Keystone Kozie, KIP, limping.
Austrian Club Show 05.07.2014
Jugde: Mrs Helen D- Willies and Mrs. M. Heinilä
and Fannie Best in Show couple
Fannie Best in show prog Group
Kennel Cafrida 1. Best breeder bernese, 2 best in show breeders class
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Exl, nr 1 champ class, Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 2 veteran, Res Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, nr 4 champ class
Cafridas Nostalgci Nero Nebraska, Exl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, nr 1 junior class, Cac
Cafridas Pacific Prince Phoenix, Vg.
Some pictures from the show
NBSK Clubshow, Trondheim 04.07.2014
jugde: Mrs. B. Schjøth, DK
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, Vg.

Nat Show, Bodø 22.06.2014
Jugde: Mr. Berthold, Austria
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOB, nr 3 in the group
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, BOS
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB veteran, 2 best female, 3 best in
show veteran
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, 3 best female, Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, nr 1 open class.
Kennel Cafrida 2 best in show breeders class
Nat Show Oppdal, 22.06.2014
Jugde: Mr. H. Almgren, Se
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, BOS.
Nat Show Oppdal 21.06.2014
Jugde: Mr. De Guiliani
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, BOB
Nat Show Bodø 21.06.2014
jugde: Mrs. E. Borg Se
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB, BOB
Veteran nr 1 in the group
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOB
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, 2 best female
Another Hearbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl, nr 1 junior class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, nr 1 open class
Kennel Cafrida nr 2 breeders group
Int Show Tromsø, NKK 15.06.2014
jugde: Mrs. B Hasselgren, Se
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOB veteran, 3 best female
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, 3 best male
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, ck, 3 champ class
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl, nr 1 junior class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Vg, nr 2 open class
Kennel Cafrida Best of Breed breeders class
Nat Show Tromsø 14.06.2014
jugde: Mr. Hübental, Se
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOB, nr 4 in the group
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, BOS, BOB veteran
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, 2 best female
Cafridas Rhythmic rolls royce, Vg nr 1 open class
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl, nr 1 junior class
Kennel Cafrida nr 3 best in show breeders class.
Int Show Drammen 31.05.2014
jugde: Mr O`Connor Irl
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, BOS, Cacib
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 2 open class, Ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, nr 2 open class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, 3 veteran, Ck
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl,
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Vg
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl, nr 2 junior, Ck
Fannie Best in show prog group.
Kennel Cafrida Best of breed breeders class
Int Show Neumunster 30.05.2014
Jugde: Mr. Järhling, DE
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight BOB, Cacib
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, Exl, nr 1 champ class, Cac
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie BOB veteran
Cafridas Rhythmic rolls Royce Exl
Another Hearbreaker av Milkcreek, BOB junior, Cac German junior
Club Show NBSK ØR 29.05.2014
Jugde: H W Hagen, N
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 3 veteran class
Nat Show Trondheim 25.05.2014
jugde: Mrs. D Klein, R
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, BOB, Cac
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 3 best female
Nat Show Trondheim 24.05.2014
jugde: Mrs.M. Dakaristou
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 2 best female
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, Exl, nr 2 open class.Ck
Nat Show Orkdal 11.05.2014
Jugde: L. finne, Fin
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 2 best female
Nat Show Orkdal 10.05.2014
jugde: I. Baradeze
Storm BIM - Perita BIR
Cafridas Pacific Presious Perita, BOB, Cac
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 3 best female
Int Show NKK Ålesund 03.05.2014
jugde: Mrs D. Klein, R
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, BOB, Cacib
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, BOS, Cacib
Cafridas rolic Friendly Fannie , BOB veteran, 2. best in show veteran
Another Hearbreaker av Milkcreek, Exl, nr 1 junior, CK
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, nr 2 open class, Ck
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, Exl, nr 2 champ class, ck
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, Exl, nr 4 open class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rockin`Ronja, Vg
Cafridas Rhythmic Rapshody Romance, Vg
Fannie Best in show prog group.
Kennel Cafrida best of breed breeders class
We are so proud of Falco (Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco) and Mari Ann. Winner of Norwegian Bernese Mountaindog club`s prize for "Versaltility -Allsidighet - " 2013. Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
(photo, E.M Sundgaard)
Int Show, Lingen Germany 27.04.2014
jugde: J. Eberhardt, De
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Best of Breed
Cafridas Frolic friendly Fannie, Best of Breed veteran, Veteran Cac, 2.
best in show veteran!
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Bst of breed, junior, junior Cac
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royal, nr 3 champ class.
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, G
Nat Show, Sunndalsøra 27.04.2014
jugde: S. Calin, Ru
Cafridas Olympic Olava Oladala, 2. best female.
Nat show, Førde 27.04.2014
jugde: Mr Løvenkjær, Dk
Cafridas Rhythmic Raposody Romance, Vg
Cafridas Pacific Pennsylvania Peace, G.
Int. Show, Bergen 05-04-2014
jugde: Mrs. Elina Haapaneemi, SF
Kansas BOB, Musella BOS
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Best of Breed, Cacib
Cafridas Frolic Friendely Fannie 2. Best in show veteran, 4 best female
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale,exl,nr 5 in champ class
Cafridas Rhythmi Rolls Royce, VG, nr 3 open class
Kennel Cafrida 4. Best in show breeders class.
jugde: Mr. Paul Stanton
Smalmyra`s S- M Leah, VG, nr 1 champ class.
Nat show Letohallen
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, nr 2 in 6-9 mnths.
Nat show Hellerudsletta 09.02.2014
jugde:F. Klinderup, DK
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Exl, nr 2 open class.
Nat show Hellerudsletta 08.02.2014
jugde:L-H Wilberg, N
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, Vg, nr 2 open class.
Clubshow 01.02.2014
jugde: C. Høier, DK
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Best in Show puppy.
Cafridas Frolic Fearless Falco, Best of
oppisite veteran
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, nr 4 champ class, ck
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Vg
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, Exl, nr 4 veteran
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, Vg
Cafridas Rhythmic Ragtime Reggae, G
Nat show Hellerudsletta 26.01.2014
jugde:P. Moontfort, Nl
Cafridas Kinetic Kansas Knight, Best of
Breed, nr 3 in the group
Cafridas Kinetic Kentucky King, Exl,nr 2 champ class
Cafridas Rhythmic Rolls Royce, Exl, nr 2 open class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie, 2. best
female Best of Breed veteran, 3. best in show veteran
Cafridas Rhythmic Rexie Royale, 4 best female
Kennel Cafrida Best in Show breeders class
Cafridas Frolic Friendly Fannie Best in Show prog.group
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Best of Breed, nr 2 in the group.
Nat show Hellerudsletta 25.01.2014
jugde: I. O-Schenk, Nl
Another Heartbreaker av Milkcreek, Best of Breed, nr 4 in the group.
MY Dog, Gøteborg.